Friday, October 26, 2007

Dark Entities

This is an excerpt from a book I was just reading. The part I'm posting is the part of the book concerning "Dark Entities" in our lives. I think we all can think of a person or persons that come to mind while reading this:

First of all they have no conscience, no sense of responsibility for their actions, and no remorse. They take all of the credit and none of the blame for everything that happens around them. As far as they are concerned, if they hurt you, it's either your fault, or you made them do it. In graphic terms, if they stab you, it's only because you ran into the knife. If you criticize them, it's not because they deserve critisim-you are either too stupid or too shallow to appreciate them. Self-justification is as natural to them as breathing. In their eyes, you are lucky to be among the chosen few they have decided to grace with their time and attention. And trust me, any relationship like that is demeaning and unacceptable to begin with.

In psychiatric terms, dark entities in human form are the true sociopaths among us. They can mimic human emotions brilliantly without ever really feeling them. They can seem incredibly charming (all the better to seduce you into their proximity); they can seem deeply sensitive, compassionate and loving; they can seem genuinely sorry after they've wounded you, to keep you off balance about their true nature. They can feign interest in anything that interest you-including God and Spirituality - in order to create the illusion that you and they have something in common. It's all a performance and they drop the act as soon as they're convinced their control over you is secure.

Sadly, we white entities, because our emotions and faith are genuine, have a tough time grasping the concept that it is all a performance. So rather than walking away from the dark entity once they have "removed their mask," we stay with them, trying desperately to rescue the wonderful person we are sure that is in there because we saw them with our own eyes. It is almost impossible to imagine that wonderful person isn't lost, but never existed in the first place. But in the case of a genuinely dark entity, it is the cruel, bleak truth.

Secondly, dark entities don't generally get to know or care about the people around them. What they do care about is the reflection of themselves that they get back from the people around them. As far as they are concerned, white entities are walking mirrors in which to admire themselves. As long as their reflection through our eyes is flattering, we're of value to them. But the minute we catch on that we're only looking at a disguise, and that whatever character and integrity that they possess exist only because we "filled in the blanks" ourselves, they will react in one of two ways. Either they'll distance themselves, or they'll repeat the performance that won our approval in the first place, to try to win it again.

Third, dark entities live by their own arbitrary, self-serving rules, which can change without warning at their convenience and which don't necessarily apply to anyone else around them. In their minds, their behavior is always acceptable, but they may become outraged or deeply wounded if someone else aims that same behavior at them. White entities invariably try to make sense of all this and adjust accordingly. That's logical. It's also useless. The rules and behavior that please a dark entity on a Tuesday night, might throw them into a tantrum on Wednesday. The result is that a white entity is kept constantly off balance and confused, which gives the dark entity that much more control and power.

The goal of a dark entity is not to turn a white entity dark. That can't be done. Their goal is to destroy a white entity-not physically, necessarily, but certainly emotionally. Let's face it; the one way for darkness to survive is to destroy the light, so that's their purpose and their pleasure. They go about it trying to create as much emotional turbulence, self-doubt, guilt and depression as possible in as many white entities as they can lure into their dark grip. They insult, they demean, and they threaten to end a relationship if the white entity doesn't "Shape up" while insisting that no one else would even want a relationship with someone as worthless as the white entity anyway. They promise to take away anything that is truly important to the white entity if they do leave. In other words, they will do anything that makes the white entity feel insecure, and, as a result, eliminate any power the white entity might have. The problem is white entities have a conscience. We are sensitive and compassionate, and we take our responsibility seriously. We have a natural tendency to believe the best about the people we care for. Those are the qualities that attract dark entities in the first place. They love the flattering reflection of themselves in our eyes, and they know we're likely to perceive their darkness as some kind of sadness or pain and try to help. You may have heard the saying "No good deed goes unpunished." I have a good feeling that saying was coined by a white entity who tried to rescue some supposedly troubled, misunderstood dark entity. If you're trying to rescue a dark entity in your life with your love/ and or friendship, please ask yourself this simple question: Which do you feel you get more often as a reward for your efforts – appreciation or punishment.

Turning your back on another of God's children is probably contrary to your unbringing and your humanitarian instincts. But I promise you, you have more valuable ways to spend your time and energy that trying to help or save a dark entity whom you are sure will be a wonderful person if only they'll "change" (a goal white entities refer to often when talking about a dark entity in their lives) and let in the light you have to offer them. A dark entity can't be turned white, any more than a white entity can be turned dark. You can't appeal to a conscience that doesn't exist, and, make no mistake about it, dark entities have no conscience. Besides, how are you going to inspire genuine remorse in someone who doesn't think anything bad that happens is ever their fault? I say this as both a spiritual psychic and as a person who learned the hard way: If's there's a dark entity anywhere in your life-a friend, a lover, a spouse, or a family member-follow the advice of Christ: "Shake off the dust from you feet and leave."


Anonymous said...

I think Obama is one of these people, deceiving the stupid among us with his charm, and if he gets into power - watch out!

Nola-Carolyn said...

Like your Blog. As for Dark Entities. . .This explains my mother prefectly. And I'm being very serious here. I always knew there was something deeply wrong with her that could not be fixed. Why do they live so darned long, though.

Anonymous said...

I am now realizing the same thing. For over 10 yrs. and 2 kids later, he hasn't changed. It got to the point that when he would enter the room, I would feel pressure in my head(severe fatigue) and feel drained. I thought it was due to chronic fatigue, but now that he is not here I feel like I have my energy, freedom back and am working to find the self I lost in him with his control and abuse. In fact everyone sleeps better, feels at ease and has optimism for the future.

Anonymous said...

I was deceived by a very charming older Italian gentleman who I strongly believe now to be a satanic evil being. Unfortunately I have a son with him who is extremely intelligent, charming & he has some of his negative qualities as well. I named him Aaron, which means " Light bringer" how ironic. I plan to leave him as soon as possible before he destroys my

WhiteEntity said...

I have one at my work. He's manipulative and from the moment i met him i knew something was off. He took a good friend of mine and destroyed her. She had recovered from depression (brought on by another dark entity she had met before)and now she's worse than ever. He makes her emotionally ill and it effects her physically. I'm strong so he keeps his distance from me, i won't be fooled. But the sad part is he's convinced her never to speak to me again "because it bothers him" and she has no one to help her. He's just killing her slowly and she lets him. . . . i think it's the saddest thing to be the only one who realizes this.

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting blog! I have read similar in some of Sylvia Browns books:)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog. My father is the dark entity in my life. Everything written described him word for word. As shocked as I am, i am glad i don't feel alone and crazy.

One question: By kicking dark entities out of your life, is there a possibility they may try to hurt you spiritually?

Anonymous said...

in reply to anonymous..oddly enough the night of the election...i was attacked by a dark entity

Anonymous said...

Well the thing is even if these dark entities are in our lives, it's the chart we wrote for our lives on the other side. It's not clear, but perhaps we are given options as to what path we take and maybe the other choice was far worse. I know I was married to a dark entity but I have 3 beautiful children with him, so I believe I chose that path on the Other Side because I knew I would be blessed with children. Perhaps my other option for my chart would not allow children. Who knows? I do know that I have met someone who is a white entity as me and is the most caring and loving man I've ever known. Perhaps, I had to see what a dark entity was to be able to appreciate who I'm with now. We make our lives in the path that leads us to get Home. It's crazy how it all works out, but it does.

Anonymous said...

I "discovered" your post when I needed this info most. Thank you for sharing it! You mention that you got some of this info from a book that you recently read...which book was it?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know exactly who the dark entity is in my life-it's my husband's ex wife, and no, that's not a joke or exaggeration, she fits the description perfectly. I read all Sylvia Browne's books, but I can't remember how she says to handle them besides walking away. We can't do that, my husband has a 12 year old with her, so how do we protect ourselves. Please help, we had to go to court Thursday with her, and now, two days later I am still sick, terrible migraine, she certainly attacked! Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

I have never thought of "Dark Entities" as people within our lives now. I always thought that they were dark spirits who were wronged in their living lives. After reading this I believe that my step-mother is a dark entity in my life. She has managed to push all my father's family out of his life. I have stopped speaking to father several times throughout my life. I am 29 yrs old so I am not some rebelious teenager. I have not spoken to my father since July 2008 and the same goes for my younger sister. We have put up with this "Dark Entity" now for the past 18 yrs and she doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast.

Steve Lawson said...

What if there was a device that could remove dark entities--send them to a better place where they lose their desire to feed off adulation, devotion and life energy in general. There is. Learn about it, and my service at:

richard said...

Good evening - I'm new to this stuff and have only just found out about dark entities (Just read Insight!). I'm 44 by the way. My partner seems to fit the bill of a DE quite well. Split me from my family, made my life miserable, sucked the hope and creativity out of me and uses emotional blackmail (and the kids) very effectively. Had an enlightened moment today and walked out - after about two weeks of being accused of having an affair and being in need of mental help. Not sure if this is the right thing to do, worried about the kids, but having read this page, feel that she won't turn them dark! Any thoughts and comments welcome.

Anonymous said...

One of these killed my sister. He was her husband. He destroyed everything good in her and eventually when she was going to leave him to save her daugther, he killed her.

Anonymous said...

Why not credit the author, Sylvia Browne? I agree that this is fascinating, but having said that, you might want to go to the source for more...

Anonymous said...

This excerpt is from Sylvia Browne's "The Other Side and Back"

I am trying to figure out exactly what she means because She says:

"The reason the Dark Side exists is that God endowned the spirit with free will, and some spirits have exercised their free will to reject the light and embrace a Godless darkness instead."

This is what confuses me, she goes on to say:

"A dark entity can't be turned white, any more than a white entity can be turned dark."

I'm guessing (correct me if I'm wrong) she's (only) talking about here on Earth and in Human form

Because she says:

"Sooner or later the powerful white entities on The Other Side are able to catch these dark entities in transit from one dimension to another and bring them Home, to be embraced into the white light of the Holy Spirit."

I just need a second opinion on this to make sure I'm understanding this correctly.

Amethyst Rose said...

"Sooner or later the powerful white entities on The Other Side are able to catch these dark entities in transit from one dimension to another and bring them Home, to be embraced into the white light of the Holy Spirit."

I have ready many of Sylvia Browne's books and what she means by this is that the dark entities will eventually be reabsorbed into the Godhead. HTH!

Anonymous said...

The few people on here that are suggesting that Obama is a dark entity are crazy. Do you really believe in what you're saying? Get a grip.
Now I guess someone will accuse me of being a dark entity. God help this planet.

Anonymous said...

I have had a lifetime with two dark entities and was wondering if anyone knows if they are aware of what they are doing. Like do they have a chart to live by? I'm convinced they are completely aware of what they do.

Anonymous said...

They're the same thing as sociopaths but in the spirit world they're dark entities,actually if you read books like "The Sociopath next door" By Martha Stout and Without Conscience by Dr Hare it's 1 in 25 people on this earth are dark entities AKA sociopathic

Anonymous said...

In Sylvia's book The other side she says that dark entities don't have a blue print, they go straight back invitro to be reborn as a dark entity again. I came to the realisation about 6 months ago that my husband is NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) when i read this book I know now that he is a dark entity in everyway(the descriptions are almost identical) I'm making plans to get as far away from him as I possibly can.My kids are in their late teens /early 20's and can't stand him.Sylvia's description fits him to a T.

Anonymous said...

I just recently learned (after having finally broken up with him) that my ex-boyfriend is a Sociopath and now I have just finished reading Sylvia Browne's book about Dark Entities and am truly amazed that that description also fits him to a T. I'm so grateful to find out that I wasn't imagining all of the things that were going on in our relationship and that leaving him was the best thing I have ever done for myself....if anyone of you out there is involved with such a person, my advice is to "get the heck outta there NOW"!!!!

Anonymous said...

People, SYLVIA BROWNE is a sociopath. Please stop giving her money.

christine said...

Thank you for posting this. I have three miserable ex partners/friends who are Dark Entities. One just committed suicide, another is about to drink himself to death, the third is doing whatever torment she pleases to whom ever... she did try to change to keep my love but could not. She truly lives in a different universe and is to be pitied her miserable existence.

Anonymous said...

How do you know if you're the black entity? I think I'm one to my boyfriend and I'm freaking out and if I am one, I think I should leave him. OMG I'M RAMBLING.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so accurate! You total described my wife. I know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. I chose right and good always. Every time I spoke to my wife it became a game of wits, about anything. Everything that she said about herself was a lie. She had another life without me. She would leave for days, weeks, months at a time, but she would call all the time. At first I would be concerned but after I caught on that this was a game she would play, I would tell her to go away and not to come back, I didn't want her anymore, and I was serious! But she would come back and cause grief, problems and she would call the police and have me arrested. She was only with me to extort my money and property. But she just wanted me to have nothing. Thru her lies she got possesion of my house but only to loose it. It was obvious she wouldn't be responcible to keep it, she didn't work. But now I am away from this evil witch, but she won't let me be. She e-mailed me and wanted to be friends on facebook like nothing happened. No way she's crazy, I never want to see or talk to her, theirs just no way! I'm getting devoriced and that's for sure. She was a liar, a hype, a prostitute, a minipulator, purely evil and cunning! No remoures, no sense of responsibility, seductive to all. Everything to the tee that you described in a dark inety is her. You bescribed my wife so perfectly. Please can you contact me, I have much to say! I need your help please! I await your reply. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hello eyeofra, my name is joseph. We must talk. What you wrote about dark enities is correct, to the tee! I need your help! Contact me at 1-818-814-4120. I believe you know about me and the spiritual battle that I am in. Jesus said that when two or more gather in his name, he will be with us! May he be with us! And all honor praise and glory be his. Amen! Joseph

Mr.Pink said...

I read some of the comments posted I've met and recognized many dark entities in my life but now that I don't associate with any just family and a few friends anyways I see a dark entity in my dreams when I dream he is all ways standing a few feet away just observing I'm not full of fear or anything I've seen a lot after a while it tends to grow on you I just want to know if u have more info I also experience a lot of dejavu was wondering if you had any info on that

Anonymous said...

My ex was a Psychopath. He fit right into the descriptions that were described as a Dark Entity. It is very strange because I'm not religious, but when I was with him I had this urge to go to church and do good. It was an over powering urge and he would make me so upset that I would sing 'Jesus take the wheel'. Days later all the evidence of his dark lifestyle was planted in my lap. I will never speak to this man or let our 3 children ever see him until they are adults and I have the proof as to why.

Anonymous said...

Perfect description of my ex, too. Dark, depressed, depressing to be with, alcoholic, manipulative, everything that turned out wrong was always someone else's fault and he was just a poor victim. As stated about Dark Entities, he could also be charming when he was trying to get something in return, otherwise he was rude and hurtful, controlling, and emotionally abusive. After reading this, it all makes sense to me, and thankfully, I shook him off 15 years ago, after realizing I could not fix, change or save him, and saved myself and my own sanity instead. I moved on to the best of the best, my current husband who is the greatest.

Anonymous said...

I was involved with a dark entity in 2008,i met her on an internet dating site,for the first 3 months i thought she was my soul mate i had been looking for,then one day she just turned on me,verbally and emotionally attacking me,her excuse after the initial attack was that she went temp insane because of medication she was on,then we continued the "relationship",the alarm bells were ringing at that stage,i knew that i had too end it but for some reason i could not,it was as though i was binded to her in some way,the "love" i had for her was overwhelming and not normal for knowing her for such a short time.I started checking with her friends and some say they were "witches-wicca" as well as her body marking - 3rd nipple,she played with tarot a lot and visited psycics every week,also she had many many men,about 5-7 a year,somehow she could not sustain a relationship,then she said she did not like loud noise or water,eg swimming,she knew things that i never told her,after i ended it,i was spiritually attacked for 3 year's.

Anonymous said...

i am a white entity, hidden behind the mask of a dark entity. my personality is architect, im left handed, libra, with a potent mind and unnaturally strong body. i possess almost no social skills, i seek solitude, because in solitude is the composition which only i control. because so many others used me. i seek to be unusable. i seek to be forgotten. i seek to drown out existence with the cascading failures that constantly tear at my being.

Randy said...

I love Sylvia, this explains the emotional turmoil of my aunt to the T. She's verbally abusive to everyone in the family even her poor little daughter.

My aunt is very selfish and no one understands why she's so mean and hateful. She on very rare cases does a few nice things here and there and then she's as mean as ever again. There were also a few others in my life as I was coming up that fits this description to a T.

I have a few of Sylvia's books, I bought this to some of my closest family members attention. It'll be up to them to take the advice of walking away or not. My cousin is in her late teens and has plans on moving out and away from her.

Anonymous said...

this article saved me, it all finally clicked, all exactly the same. finally got a protection order but the judge said he could call (no contact....right) everytime his number showed up i got this poison feeling, no one understood, they said just delete it but the shot of fear was already accomplished. i couldnt block his number because my son wanted contact with him. thirty two years and i was going to kill myself, i couldnt bear it anymore, i didnt want life, a purpose or reason didnt matter, it was like i was separated from everything i loved, everything simple and free, the torment was too much, life seemed like a cruel punishment and death a gift. i couldnt breathe, anxiety, stress, fear. i have a whole different perspective now.

earth angel said...

If you are reading this and you ever questioned yourself, even for a second, when you KNEW that you were being hurt, your energy drained, especially, as the author has stated, by making you question yourself, your desireability, your worthiness^, please listen to me:
I went through this, and I knew, but I got in so deeply with a dark soul that I really suffered so senselessly for so long. You must remove yourself immediately and centre in your own power. Take your power back and never allow your mind to be ruled by anyone but your inner loving self.

Anonymous said...

Obama is not a "dark entity" the free-market capitalist system is "dark" because it requires and salutes inequality and so-called superiority.
The Republican Party is "dark" and the monetary-driven socioeconomic system itself is "dark".

Anonymous said...

You should read, “The 48 Laws of Power” and remember that "darkness" cannot exist in the presence of "light". :)

Anonymous said...

All things are one, "darkness" cannot exist in the presence of "light" so engage in scholarship and remain sympathetic to others who may or may not be "dark". "The 48 Laws Of Power" is a good way to see into te mind of these "dark entities".

The Happiness of Living said...

My son is terrified of his grandma (my mom). Sometimes my mom will be a loving soul but "most" of the time she will turn from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. She is always right. She will fight you to the death to justify herself that she is right. She is irrational. I'm not sure if she's a dark entity because she goes to church religiously and she prays and says the rosary. However, she doesn't practice the principles of her beliefs. I don't know what God she is praying to. If someone can add some insight. Would appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

what about people that are depressed or troubled and can sometimes take that out on people, does that make them a dark entity?

is there any way at all to know if you're a dark entity? that would be horrible, never being truly good, never moving forward...

Anonymous said...

I had 2 dark individuals in my life years ago. One suffered from NPD, the other is a sociopath. These people did not show any remorse or guilt for the hurt they caused me and my family. As a matter of fact, they usually go on like nothing happened seeking out a new victim (usually a kind & loving person who they can con). These folks generally have NO friends, do not care about God's children or creatures, will drain the hell out of anyone even a child, will constantly lie to you, and they know how to manipulate you emotionally. A Dark souls main mission is to destroy YOU so you won't do God's work. What worked wonders for me was to surround myself daily with the white light of The Holy Spirit. Also, I joined a really great church which helped me heal & forgive. Now please, when I say forgive..I do not mean take these people back just realize they are very very sick people. Most are incapable of changing and will never realize how much they hurt you. I also call them "damaged goods"...usually they learned this abuse from a caretaker and never broke the cycle..You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. My advice is to move on & never look back. Don't feel sorry for them at all...and if you have kids with the person, protect them daily with The Word of God & The White Light of The Holy Spirit. Darkness hates the light! He may even become scared of you because most of them are cowards anyway. Don't allow your kids to be his next victim because if he can't destroy you, he will go after the kids. Trust me, dark souls will feed off anyone even a child. And don't be afraid, that gives them power.. Arm yourself daily. The power of God will keep you safe. "I pray that all dark souls will have no contact with me and my loved ones & we will live for God Almighty Jesus name, Amen.

The Happiness of Living said...

To the person who asked "How do you know if you or someone you know are a dark entity?"
Well dark entities always thinks they're right and they're never wrong. My mother is a dark entity and to the whole world, her facade is very kind and friendly and she has lots of friends, a diligent and model nurse, goes to church and prays regularly BUT behind closed doors she takes out her mask and becomes mean and abusive - that is her true character and not many people know that. My son and I always protect ourselves with white light from dark forces like her.

Anonymous said...

I learned of this from a doctor while in the psych ward.
I told the doctor I thought my purpose in this life was to save his soul.
Then he told me about Dark Entities.
Sylvia Brown educated me further.
They are out there and they love their children, but not others. My opinion....

Anonymous said...

I am very spiritual I've seen the otherside ,even talked to some of my soulmates. But there is one entity ,that said he was a friend to me on otherside. I don't think so,because he is dark.And I can't get rid of him. He constanly knows where i am all the time. He's even screwed around with my conputer to the tune of it costing me $700.00 does anyone have any advice?

Anonymous said...

Ijust left you with my comment

Rural Pat said...

My husband and I live in a rural community, as we have lived on our 2 1/2 acre property for the past 20 years, as we have seen people move out here, and then move away.

There is one particular person, who has been our neighbor for the past couple of years, as he is an illegal Mexican, and is able to own the house and property, without paying any mortgage, etc.

The original house was built in 1988, and the man that had been on this piece of property/house was known to be 'mentally' sadistic; the couple that moved in around 1990 and lived there until 2002 became the same way, as the original owner (mentally unbalanced and very sadistic); the next family that moved in this place were known to fight all the time, and also became mentally unbalanced, and the wife turned sadistic; they moved out and the Mexican family moved in January of 2005 and soon became just as the others, mentally unbalanced, total alcholics and so very SADISTIC toward our animals, etc. When you would look into this man's eyes, all you could/can see are totally black holes. No humanity at all, just pure Satan characteristics.

They moved out of that place for about 3 years and rented it to a man, woman and her family. Again, fighting occurred, and very mentally unbalanced individuals existed there and moved out two years ago and the Mexican moved back it and all the HORRIBLE Evil ways started all over again.

They have no feelings of remorse, no conscience, etc. Everyone that has lived in this house and on the property, all have turned out the same, after a few months residing there. Thank God on our place (which parallels along side of the Mexican property) we have NOT experienced such evilness. We have allot of positive/loving/serene feelings here.

Anonymous said...

pls reply,
what book is this?

Unknown said...

"Exploring the Levels of Creation" by Sylvia Browne, I think it's in that book.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Something has been haunting me at night,I have hidden all this from my children, it getting worst,its starting to attack them,it seems to be showing it's self by recordings that we never even recorded,if anyone can help please,I need to know protect my kids,I have photo s but I almost feel,like it will make it worse..if I show them

Anonymous said...

I see people have been commenting about this for years!! My husband is a dark entity and I have been warned by 3 different psychics to leave. No one would even understand except someone spiritual but my self esteem has been ruined and I am also recovering from breast cancer which I believe was brought on by deflecting this behavior from my husband for 30 years. I am ready to move on soon. I will be the enemy and the one perceived as unjust. I need to be strong and know my soul is telling me the right thing to do for its growth. Thank you so much for this blog. It may have helped save my life!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer to think and say " there's two types of people wolf's and sheep" and to be honest I would rather be the wolf in this land of sheep

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true dark entity.

Anonymous said...

You are not honest, everything about you is a lie. You have to pretend to be something else, because if anybody knew what you really are, there is not a human being on the face of the earth who would want anything to do with you. You're kind (dark entities) need to be wiped from the face of the earth.

Unknown said...

Get a grip! Silvia Brown is the only one who's been able to help me understand this universe, she spent her life devoted to helping people using a God given gift. She's deeply spiritual, loves her children and grandchildren. Loves animals and tells in great detail in her books how she married a dark entity and also how her mother was one.

Unknown said...

There are many techniques to protect yourself and your house from all evil entities Silvia Brown's books are filled with them. Also remember dark entities can't hurt you on the other side

Unknown said...

Yeah watch out! Now my sister can finally afford health care after being stuck with a 60,000 dollar hospital bill from her dying husbands two day stay in a hospital.
(Pre- Obama)

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Browne briefly wrote about "Dark Entities" in many of her books. You will find much more information about them in the 8 volumes of Journey of the Soul, particularly the 5th one: Good and Evil.

Unfortunately, the 8 vols are only available directly from Society of Novus Spiritus which she founded or one of the local Societies (San Jose, CA -- Seattle, WA -- Taylor, MI -- and Las Vegas, NV)

However, there is a condensed version still available on Amazon: search for "Journey of the Soul, 3 Book Box Set"

I'm a minister at Novus NW in Seattle and have found this to a difficult subject at first which can be confusing.

The main thing is "Dark", "Gray" and "Light/White" refer to the state of a Soul... the decision a Soul made earlier on. As Francine (Sylvia's Spirit Guide) put it:

"All Entities were created perfectly without the concept of evil instilled; however, the Dark Entities, from the very point of Creation, chose to separate from the God-Head." [JS 2, p.6]

Both Sylvia and Francine have said many times that we should be very careful... because you can't judge someone's Soul... only their acts.

Easiest way to understand what a Dark Entity actually is... think of them as "sociopathic Souls." They have no remorse at all... ever (except for getting caught) but they can fake it really well. Typically, they've very charming, charismatic and successful in life. At a Soul level, they committed themselves to only thinking of themselves... "it's all about me."

On the other hand, "Light Entities" have a working conscience and committed themselves at a Soul level to "we're all in this together". If you've ever felt bad because you hurt someone, you're not "Dark"... period.

But it can be hard to tell "who is what" down here on Earth. Just because someone was mean or got angry and hurt someone doesn't mean they're "Dark." The only true tell is whether they have any remorse or not... and it's really hard to know what someone else truly feels inside.

But you don't have to be afraid of "Dark Entities." Just listen to your instincts about someone... and then decide how much you want to do with them.

Not all "Light/White Entities" are nice... As strange as it might sound at first, some have negative Life Themes such as Irritant or Persecutor. (And thus, they are simply doing the job that told God they would come down and do.)

There are Tools that you can use to protect yourself(see last page of JS 3) or And remember, "Darks" aren't anymore dangerous than a person who only cares about themselves. And we've all met people like that.

Love & Light, Rev. Jimi

Mj2009 said...

A dark entity would never ask if they were dark so no you're not

Anonymous said...

Where can I obtain this material???