Friday, October 26, 2007

Angels help you have faith

This is an excert from the book "Angels in Our Lives" by Marie Chapain.


As we face our trials we need faith. We need faith more than we need solutions. When I have a huge financial need, one that is bigger than the means available, I need faith. In addition to committing myself to giving more money than I actually earn, I find that financial demands fly at me like rockets.

I'm hit with bills, demands and needs left and right. (Sound familiar?) I could easily become overwhelmed, crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head, and sleep until noon. My prayer life can become the stormiest event of the day. In a dramatic way I ask, "What am I suppose to do Lord? What do you want me to do?" These are questions emanating from the turbulent emotions within my soul.

Then it dawns on me. It hits me. This experience is actually a gift from God. I must receive this gift graciously. But aren't gifts suppose to be nice things, something that we want, you may ask? This is not always the case. Sometimes difficulties may be gifts as well.

God is a spirit. Those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth (See John 4:24). The situation I faced was this: A spiritual gift manifest itself to me (internally) so that I could tangibly conquer what the Lord had already conquered by dying on the cross for me. I can't handle the problem by my own means He would have to send me a worse problem until I finally surrendered to His authority in solving life's problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marie thank you! At the moment I am regaining my good and right life back. See marie I was married to a dark inety! She was never good to me. It was a constant game of wits being with her. A liar a deciever a person with no soul. I took her to a christian church with me and she was told by the pastor and his wife not to return their. She was evil. I am no longer with my evil wife. I want her to leave me alone. I want nothing to do with her. Please pray for me. Please pray that she finds no new victims. She has no heart and has no soul and the only things she can offer anyone is lies and deciete!